Boston's best blend in IP bandwidth.
TOWARDEX is New England’s most sophisticated blended bandwidth provider. With our deep understanding of the history and players of the connectivity market in Boston, we’ve built a state-of-the-art regional IP backbone known as TWDX IP, which caters to one goal: Low Latency.

It’s all about the speed.
Leveraging our state-of-the-art optical network backed by the Hub Express System, we constructed a sophisticated IP network that reaches every major interconnection point. The result is simple: we peer with more networks than anybody else in the region.
Because TOWARDEX owns significant metro fiber and utility assets needed to make peering connections, we can directly reach just about any peering partner right into the heart of their network, bypassing legacy carrier hotels and eliminating detours.
Furthermore, TWDX IP is the first blended bandwidth provider in the northeast to deploy native 400 Gbps router interfaces in the IP backbone. Our network and local peering capabilities are unparalleled in their levels of scale and sophistication, completely outclassing blended bandwidth products typically found in data centers and offered by other providers.
The problem with BGP on most blended bandwidth providers
The core routing decisions across the Internet are made by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) as specified in RFC 4271. BGP is a path vector protocol, picking the shortest path to reach its destination, but without understanding the underlying quality of its chosen route.
As a result, most multi-homed networks often run into a commonly encountered problem—their performance becomes unpredictable. The problem originates from the fact that BGP is unable to distinguish the quality of a particular network. It is then exacerbated by routes having equidistant AS hops, which is almost always guaranteed in a multi-homed environment.
Blended bandwidth done right.
With over 1 Tbps+ of private peering interfaces in Boston area alone, our network’s peering reach is substantially superior to other regional provider networks. Instead of aimlessly throwing money without understanding the underlying engineering challenges, and exacerbating the BGP problem by simply adding more upstream providers, we instead make targeted and effective traffic engineering decisions.
Interconnection is a form of art.
One of the benefits of TWDX IP is that our routes are stable across the Internet. Unlike numerous blended bandwidth providers who constantly change their routes and upstream providers based on capacity issues and to cut costs, we design our routes for meeting long-term performance requirements of our clients.
We partner with two of the world’s largest Tier-1 backbones to meet our global IP transit needs. Next, we execute private peering and interconnection agreements with last mile providers, higher education networks, major cloud and content providers. We keep local traffic local, and long-haul traffic stable and reliable.
Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)
Ethernet-based Dedicated Internet Access for enterprises from our low latency IP backbone; available at any on-net locations and through participating dark fiber and Metro Ethernet providers.
Speeds are available from 1 Gbps to 100 Gbps on port sizes selectable from 1GE to 100GE, or delivered via virtual circuit onto a trunk or NNI interface.
Ports are delivered using standard single-mode fiber. Customers can order Media Conversion Service to have their ports delivered using RJ-45/UTP (for 1GE links only), or optical wavelengths in any commonly supported CWDM or 100 Ghz DWDM bands.
IP Transit
Wholesale IP transit from our low latency IP backbone; available at any on-net locations and through participating dark fiber networks.
Speeds are available from 1 Gbps to 400 Gbps on port sizes selectable from 1GE, 10GE, 100GE and 400GE interfaces.
Ports are delivered using standard single-mode fiber. Customers can order Media Conversion Service to have their ports delivered using RJ-45/UTP (for 1GE links only), or optical wavelengths in any commonly supported CWDM or 100 Ghz DWDM bands. Single-strand transmission using Bidi configuration is also supported for 1GE and 10GE interfaces.
BGP routing is supported, with optional support for Link Aggregation and multi-path eBGP for scaling high bandwidth requirements. For information about our extensive BGP routing policies and traffic engineering communities, visit TWDX IP’s network engineering page.
Refresh your enterprise Internet connectivity
Talk to us today to join the winning team for Boston’s fastest IP network.